School Awards

At the end of each academic year, the school’s Awards Ceremony takes place. At the ceremony, many awards are given to students in recognition of achievements, both academic and otherwise. There are nine major awards, which are detailed below.

The 9 Major Awards

1. The Peter Mooney Award

"Outstanding achievement, commitment and effort in studies and school life. Junior Ambassador for the school"

2. The Chaplin's Award

"Awarded to a student in recognition of care and concern for fellow students at St Peter's College"

3. The Carl Crowe Cultural Award

"Awarded to a student who contributes to cultural and creative activities and performing arts in the community and in school"

4. The Eamonn Gaffney Caomhnóir Award

"Awarded to a student who has contributed to the whole school life of St. Peters's College through their leadership in Music and Culture, Environment, Games and Social Awareness"

5. The Gerry Donnelly LCA Award

"Awarded to a student who has developed and demonstrated learning skills and a commitment to the school community and to life long learning"

6. The Noel Dempsey Science & Maths Award

"Awarded to a student who has shown outstanding achievement, effort and commitment to the study of Maths & Science"

7. The Dr. Michael Smith Academic Award

"Awarded to a student who is an outstanding academic student and has consistently displayed excellence in classwork, homework and study"

8. The John Bruton Bradan Feasa Award

"Awarded to a student who has made a major contribution to SPC in academic excellence, study, commitment and participation in all aspects of school life. Displays leadership and citizenship qualities exemplifying our school ethos"

9. The Sean Boylan Sports Award

"Awarded to a student who hs shown talent, commitment and exemplary behaviour on and off the field"