School Chaplaincy

Chaplaincy at St. Peter's​

At St. Peter’s College the well-being of all students is central to our aims. The Pastoral Care Team is part of the student support system in the school and encompasses a range of supports and staff that cater for the learning, behavioural, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of our students.

Ms. Valerie McParland is the Chaplain to St. Peter’s College. As a member of the Care Team her role varies from looking after and fostering the spiritual and pastoral life of the school to facilitating opportunities for students to involve themselves in issues of social justice.

As well as teaching RE and SPHE, Ms. McParland is available to meet with, and offer pastoral support to students who are bereaved, encountering crisis or difficulties in their lives. Students can contact or make an appointment with Ms. McParland directly or additionally, class tutors and Year Heads can link students with the chaplaincy office. Ms. McParland can be contacted at [email protected]